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Many ways to Help!

You can donate SAFELY via Credit Card using our Merchant Account payment system.   /How-You-Can-Help. Your donations are securely processed  by one of the most trusted names in the payments industry.

How does your donation help?

  • $25 can buy a bus pass;
  • $50 can buy a gas card;
  • $100 can help pay for a hotel room for one night;
  • $100 can buy a grocery store gift card.

Welcome, CFC donor.     As part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for federal and retired federal employees, your $20 monthly contribution plays a crucial role in funding our ability to assist women Veterans who are facing or are at risk for homelessness.  We are grateful for your generous contributions to Aura Home Women Vets. 

 CFC #88117

Scan the QR Code on the left for more information. or on the CFC logo for more details on the CFC and how to give.


Donate Supplies: Please Call 828-771-6979

  • Gift Cards
    • Gas
    • Meals
    • Groceries
    • Shopping
    • Movies
  • Personal Care Items
  • Household Products

Aura Home Women Vets holds public events throughout the year.  We welcome VOLUNTEERS to assist at these, and other, events, there are many roles to be filled, and we appreciate you assistance.  Please email us at

Being a sponsor identifies you as a business who supports Women Veterans.   While we have multiple levels of sponsorship, we appreciate all of our sponsors, regardless of level.  Our Veterans need you.  

Building a safe shelter for homeless women veterans in Western North Carolina

Aura Home Women Vets
501(C)3 EIN# 47-2041216

Contact Information

The Aura Home Women Vets office:

St Matthias Episcopal Church Parish House, 1 Dundee St - Asheville, NC 28801

Mail: P.O. Box 14, Asheville NC 28802

Phone: 828-771-6979.

Aura Home GuideStar Achievement: Platinum

We recently earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency! Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact.  Keep this link handy, we want to make sure you always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.